Interim Search har fått i uppdrag att tillsätta en interim CPMO till ett börsnoterat företag i Stockholm. Du sitter med i ledningsgruppen och leder ett team bestående av 8 direktrapporterande chefer.
Main tasks:
- Serve as a senior member of the executive management team, and support the CEO and the management team on cross-functional topics outside of his/her immediate areas of responsibility.
- Be highly involved and drive the continuous strategic planning/development processes, safe guarding a progressive and sound commercial perspective, but also contributing to the overall thought process from all business perspectives.
- The CPMO shall be responsible for product management, development, and marketing of all Consumer products and the overall brand.
- Overall responsible for performance of the Loan product, including but not limited to financial and commercial performance, taking into account the mandates and responsibilities of the Credit, Finance, IT, and Operations departments.
Who are we looking for?
- +10 years experience from similar roles
- Experience from a leading position in a company undertaking activities that are
subject to regulation of financial authorities
Om processen:
Uppdraget startas upp senast början på september och kommer pågå ca 9 månader.
Har du rätt profil och är tillgänglig? Ansök idag!
Ansvarig rekryteringskonsult är Johan Nyberg som samarbetar med researcher Ida Eriksson.
Liknande tjänster
Interim Partneransvarig
- Företag: Konfidentiellt
- Ort: Stockholm/Göteborg/Malmö
- Start: Mars