Interim Search har fått i uppdrag att tillsätta en Interim CFO till ett bolag i en koncern med kontor beläget i Stockholmsområdet. Bolaget omsätter ca 2,2 miljarder Tjänsten rapporterar till VD.
- The CFO is expected to play a key role in development of the company
- Important partner to the MD
- Providing strategic and decision making support to MD and management team
- As part of country management team the CFO will also be an important part in decisions regarding the overall development
- Initiate, manage and/or execute initiatives related to the CFO area of responsibilities
- Overall responsibility for all financial, administrative and risk management operations
- The CFO department currently consist of four areas with direct report managers
Qualifications (requirements)
- Senior financial management experience with an excellent track record
- Business-oriented with experience from companies driving growth as well as operational change activities
- Operational experience paired with strategic mindset
- Experience from a listed company
- Leadership experience
- Relevant academic degree and fluency in Swedish and English
Om processen:
Uppdraget startas mitten på augusti och pågår i ca 6 månader.
Har du rätt profil och är tillgänglig? Ansök idag, rekryteringen skall vara klar innan midsommar!
Ansvarig rekryteringskonsult är Michael Rooslien som samarbetar med researcher Ida Eriksson